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Manage Your Anxiety Four 1.1.3
Epat Lda
Manage Your Anxiety Four allows the user to learn more aboutAnxiety through medical information and exercise. This app usesinteractive tools such as images, videos and simple and accurateinformation on Anxiety. Users can watch the most suitable exercisesto manage the disease in video format with subtitles. Furthermore,users can calculate how many calories should consume daily in orderto manage their weight. Users can additionally be reminded of anyimportant action (ex: taking medication) or medical appointments.Some information provided may not be valid for residents of othercountries due to variations in medical practice and drug approval.This patient education application provides patients and HealthCare Practitioners with easy to access information on Anxietymanagement. The app’s video functionalities require a compatiblevideo player. Although most devices already come with an integratedvideo player, some devices may find themselves lacking one. Userscan download video players for free on their device’s respectivestore. Users should contact us for more information.
Manage your Diabetes Five 1.0.8
Epat Lda
The Manage Your Diabetes Five app allows theuser to learn more about Diabetes through medical information,exercise and nutrition. This app uses interactive tools such asimages, videos and simple and accurate information on Diabetes.User can see what food should consume and what food should avoid.Besides, user can watch the most suitable exercises to manage thedisease in video format with subtitles. Furthermore, the user cantrack blood glucose throughout the day in a calendar with greatgraphing and sharing options. The user can also test its knowledgeregarding Diabetes in an amusing way through a little and funquiz.Some information provided may not be valid for residents of othercountries due to variations in medical practice and drug approvaland indications.This patient education application provides patients and HealthCare Practitioners with easy to access information on Diabetesmanagement.
Manage your Hypertension six 1.1.2
Epat Lda
The Manage Your Hypertension app allows theuser to learn more about Hypertension through medical information,exercise and nutrition. This app uses interactive tools such asimages, videos and simple and accurate information on Hypertension.User can see what food should consume and what food should avoid.Besides, user can watch the most suitable exercises to manage thedisease in video format with subtitles. Furthermore, the user cancalculate how many calories should consume per day in order tomanage weight. User can additionally remind any important action(ex: taking medication) or medical appointments. The user can alsotest its knowledge regarding Hypertension in an amusing way througha little and funny quiz.Some information provided may not be valid for residents of othercountries due to variations in medical practice and drug approvaland indications.This patient education application provides patients and HealthCare Practitioners with easy to access information on Hypertensionmanagement.
Manage Your Anxiety Six 1.1.6
Epat Lda
Manage Your Anxiety Six allows the user to learn more about Anxietythrough medicine, exercise and nutrition. This app uses interactivetools such as images, videos and simple and accurate information onAnxiety. Users can be informed on which foods should be consumedand which foods should be avoided. Besides, users can watch themost suitable exercises to manage the disease in video format withsubtitles. Furthermore, users can calculate how many caloriesshould be consumed daily in order to manage their weight. Users canadditionally be reminded of any important action (ex: takingmedication) or medical appointments. Users can also test theirknowledge regarding Anxiety in an amusing way through a little andfunny quiz. Some information provided may not be valid forresidents of other countries due to variations in medical practiceand drug approval. This patient education application providespatients and Health Care Practitioners with easy to accessinformation on Anxiety management. The app’s video functionalitiesrequire a compatible video player. Although most devices alreadycome with an integrated video player, some devices may findthemselves lacking one. Users can download video players for freeon their device’s respective store. Users should contact us formore information.
Manage Your Hypertension Four 1.1.2
Epat Lda
The Manage Your Hypertension app allows theuser to learn more about Hypertension through medical informationand exercise. This app uses interactive tools such as images,videos and simple and accurate information on Hypertension. Usercan watch the most suitable exercises to manage the disease invideo format with subtitles. Furthermore, the user can calculatehow many calories should consume per day in order to manage weight.User can additionally remind any important action (ex: takingmedication) or medical appointments.Some information provided may not be valid for residents of othercountries due to variations in medical practice and drug approvaland indications.This patient education application provides patients and HealthCare Practitioners with easy to access information on Hypertensionmanagement.
Manage Your Diabetes Six 1.1.6
Epat Lda
The Manage Your Diabetes Six app allows theuser to learn more about Diabetes through medical information,exercise and nutrition. This app uses interactive tools such asimages, videos and simple and accurate information on Diabetes.User can see what food should consume and what food should avoid.Besides, user can watch the most suitable exercises to manage thedisease in video format with subtitles. Furthermore, the user cancalculate how many calories should consume per day in order tomanage weight. User can additionally remind any important action(ex: taking medication) or medical appointments. The user can alsotest its knowledge regarding Diabetes in an amusing way through alittle and fun quiz.Some information provided may not be valid for residents of othercountries due to variations in medical practice and drug approvaland indications.This patient education application provides patients and HealthCare Practitioners with easy to access information on Diabetesmanagement.
Manage your Hypertension five 1.0.9
Epat Lda
The Manage Your Hypertension app allows theuser to learn more about Hypertension through medical information,exercise and nutrition. This app uses interactive tools such asimages, videos and simple and accurate information on Hypertension.User can see what food should consume and what food should avoid.Besides, user can watch the most suitable exercises to manage thedisease in video format with subtitles. Furthermore, the user cantrack blood pressure in a calendar with great graphing and sharingoptions. The user can also test its knowledge regardingHypertension in an amusing way through a little and fun quiz.Some information provided may not be valid for residents of othercountries due to variations in medical practice and drug approvaland indications.This patient education application provides patients and HealthCare Practitioners with easy to access information on Hypertensionmanagement.
Manage Your Diabetes Four 1.1.1
Epat Lda
The Manage Your Diabetes Four app allows theuser to learn more about Diabetes through medical information andexercise. This app uses interactive tools such as images, videosand simple and accurate information on Diabetes. User can watch themost suitable exercises to manage the disease in video format withsubtitles. Furthermore, the user can calculate how many caloriesshould consume per day in order to manage weight. User canadditionally remind any important action (ex: taking medication) ormedical appointments.Some information provided may not be valid for residents of othercountries due to variations in medical practice and drug approvaland indications.This patient education application provides patients and HealthCare Practitioners with easy to access information on Diabetesmanagement.
Здоровье. Гипертония 5 1.0.2
Epat Lda
Приложение "Управляй здоровьем.Гипертония",содержащее краткое медицинское описание, рекомендуемыеупражнения ипитание, позволяет больше узнать об этом заболевании. Вприложениевключены интеркативные инструменты, например,изображения, видео, ипростая точная информацию о Гипертонии.Пользователи могут узнать,какие продукты лучше употреблять, а какихследует избегать, илипосмотреть упражнения для контроля заболеванияв видео-формате ссубтитрами. Также имеется возможность фиксироватьпоказаниядавления в календаре с великолепными грарфиками иделитьсяинформацией. Пользователи могут проверить свои знания оГипертонии,выполняя легкие и увлекательные задания. Некотораяинформация можетбыть недоступна жителям других стран в связи сразличиями вмедицинской практике. Это образовательное приложениеобеспечиваетпользователей и специалистов по здравоохранению простойи доступнойинформацией по контролю Гипертонии.Appendix "Manageyourhealth. Hypertension," contains a brief description ofhealthrecommended exercise and nutrition, allowing learn more aboutthisdisease. The application included interkativnye tools, suchasimages, video, and simple accurate information abouthypertension.Users can find out which foods are best to eat andwhat to avoid,or watch the exercises for disease control in videoformat withsubtitles. It is also possible to record the pressurereadings onthe calendar with gorgeous grarfikami and shareinformation. Userscan test their knowledge about hypertension,performing light andexciting jobs. Some information may not beavailable to residentsof other countries because of differences inmedical practice. Thiseducational app provides users andspecialists in health care easyand accessible information on thecontrol of hypertension.
Здоровье. Гипертония 4 1.0.1
Epat Lda
Приложение "Управляй здоровьем.Гипертония",содержащее краткое медицинское описание и рекомендуемыеупражнения,позволяет больше узнать об этом заболевании. Вприложение включеныинтеркативные инструменты, например,изображения, видео, и простаяточная информацию о Гипертонии.Пользователи могут просматриватьупражнения для контроля заболеванияв видео-формате с субтитрами.Также имеется возможность рассчитатьколичество калорий,необходимых для поддержания оптимального веса.Дополнительнопользователи могут получать уведомления о важныхдействиях(например, принятии лекарства) или визитах к врачу.Некотораяинформация может быть недоступна жителям других стран всвязи сразличиями в медицинской практике. Это образовательноеприложениеобеспечивает пользователей и специалистов поздравоохранениюпростой и доступной информацией по контролюГипертонии.Appendix "Manageyourhealth. Hypertension," contains a brief medical descriptionandrecommended exercises, allows to learn more about this disease.Theapplication included interkativnye tools, such as images,video,and simple accurate information about hypertension. Users canviewthe exercises for disease control in video format withsubtitles.It is also possible to calculate the number of caloriesneeded tomaintain optimal weight. Additionally, users can benotified ofimportant activities (eg, acceptance of drug) or a visitto thedoctor. Some information may not be available to residents ofothercountries because of differences in medical practice.Thiseducational app provides users and specialists in health careeasyand accessible information on the control ofhypertension.
Manage your CVI Four 1.0.3
Epat Lda
Manage Your CVI Four allows the user to learnmore about CVI through medical information and exercise. This appuses interactive tools such as images, videos and simple andaccurate information on CVI. Users can watch the most suitableexercises to manage the disease in video format with subtitles.Furthermore, users can calculate how many calories should consumedaily in order to manage their weight. Users can additionally bereminded of any important action (ex: taking medication) or medicalappointments.Some information provided may not be valid for residents of othercountries due to variations in medical practice and drugapproval.This patient education application provides patients and HealthCare Practitioners with easy to access information on CVImanagement.
Manage your Anxiety Five 1.0.7
Epat Lda
The Manage Your Anxiety Five app allowstheuser to learn more about Anxiety through medicalinformation,exercise and nutrition. This app uses interactive toolssuch asimages, videos and simple and accurate information onAnxiety. Usercan see what food should consume and what food shouldavoid.Besides, user can watch the most suitable exercises to managethedisease in video format with subtitles. Furthermore, the usercantrack Anxiety intensity and its triggers throughout the day inacalendar with great graphing and sharing options. The user canalsotest its knowledge regarding Anxiety in an amusing way throughalittle and fun quiz.Some information provided may not be valid for residents ofothercountries due to variations in medical practice and drugapprovaland indications.This patient education application provides patients and HealthCarePractitioners with easy to access information onAnxietymanagement.
Управляй здоровьем. Диабет 6 1.0.1
Epat Lda
Приложение "Управляй здоровьем. Диабет" -6,содержащее краткое медицинское описание, рекомендуемыеупражнения,советы по питанию и позволяет больше узнать об этомзаболевании. Вприложение включены интерактивные инструменты,например,изображения, видео, и простая точная информацию оДиабете.Пользователи могут узнать, какие продукты лучшеупотреблять, акаких следует избегать, или посмотреть упражнения дляконтролязаболевания в видео-формате с субтитрами. Также имеетсявозможностьрассчитать количество калорий, необходимых дляподдержанияоптимального веса. Дополнительно пользователи могутполучатьуведомления о важных действиях (например, принятиилекарства) иливизитах к врачу. Пользователи могут проверить своизнания оДиабете, выполняя легкие и увлекательные задания.Некотораяинформация может быть недоступна жителям других стран всвязи сразличиями в медицинской практике. Это образовательноеприложениеобеспечивает пользователей и специалистов поздравоохранениюпростой и доступной информацией о контролеДиабета.Appendix "ManageDiabeteshealth." - 6, containing a brief description of thehealthrecommended exercise, nutrition tips and allows to learn moreaboutthis disease. The app includes interactive tools, such asimages,video, and simple accurate information about diabetes. Userscanlearn which foods are best to eat and what to avoid, or watchtheexercises for disease control in video format with subtitles. Itisalso possible to calculate the amount of calories neededtomaintain optimal weight. Additionally, users can be notifiedofimportant activities (eg, taking medications) or a visit tothedoctor. Users can test their knowledge about diabetes,performedeasily and exciting jobs. Some information may not beavailable toresidents of other countries because of differences inmedicalpractice. This educational app provides users and experts inhealthcare easy and accessible information on the ControlofDiabetes.
Manage Erectile Dysfunction 6 1.0.5
Epat Lda
Manage Your Erectile Dysfunction allows the user to learn moreaboutErectile Dysfunction through medicine, exercise andnutrition. Thisapp uses interactive tools such as images, videosand simple andaccurate information on Erectile Dysfunction. Userscan be informedon which foods should be consumed and which foodsshould be avoided.Besides, users can watch the most suitableexercises to manage thedisease in video format with subtitles.Furthermore, users cancalculate how many calories should beconsumed daily in order tomanage their weight. Users canadditionally be reminded of anyimportant action (ex: takingmedication) or medical appointments.Users can also test theirknowledge regarding Erectile Dysfunctionin an amusing way througha little and funny quiz. Some informationprovided may not be validfor residents of other countries due tovariations in medicalpractice and drug approval. This patienteducation applicationprovides patients and Health CarePractitioners with easy to accessinformation on ErectileDysfunction management.
Manage Erectile Dysfunction 4 1.0.5
Epat Lda
Manage Your Erectile Dysfunction Four allows the user to learnmoreabout Erectile Dysfunction through medical informationandexercise. This app uses interactive tools such as images,videosand simple and accurate information on Erectile Dysfunction.Userscan watch the most suitable exercises to manage the diseaseinvideo format with subtitles. Furthermore, users can calculatehowmany calories should consume daily in order to manage theirweight.Users can additionally be reminded of any important action(ex:taking medication) or medical appointments. Someinformationprovided may not be valid for residents of othercountries due tovariations in medical practice and drug approval.Thispatient-education application provides patients and HealthCarePractitioners with easy to access information onErectileDysfunction management.